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Principales publicaciones


Genly León, Joel Saavedra, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, “Cosmological behavior in extended massive gravity” Class. Quant. Grav. 30, 135001, 2013.

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A. Övgün, İ. Sakallı and J. Saavedra, “Shadow cast and Deflection angle of Kerr-Newman Kasuya spacetime,'' JCAP 1810, no. 10, 041 (2018).


Samuel Lepe and Joel Saavedra.  “Quasinormal Mode, Superradiance and Area Spectrum for  2+1 Acoustic Black Holes”, Phys.Lett.B617:174-181 (2005).

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P.A. González, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, Joel Saavedra, Yerko Vasquez, “Four Dimensional Asymptotically AdS Black Hole with Scalar Hair”, JHEP 1312, 021, 2013.


Pablo Gonzalez, Eleftherious Papantonopoulos and Joel Saavedra, Chern-Simons blackholes: scalar perturbations, mass and area sprectrum and greybody factors, JHEP 1008:050, 2010.

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J. Saavedra, R. Troncoso and J. Zanelli, “Degenerate Dynamical Systems” J. Math. Phys.42: 4383-4390, 2001.


Andrés Anabalon, Jiri Bicak, Joel Saavedra, “Hairy Black holes: stability under odd-parity perturbations and existence of slowly rotating solutions” Phys. Rev D90, 124055, 2014.

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M. Gonzalez-Espinoza, G. Otalora, N. Videla and J. Saavedra, ``Slow-roll inflation in generalized scalar-torsion gravity,'' JCAP 08, 029 (2019).


S. J. Zhang, B. Wang, A. Wang and J. F. Saavedra, ``Object picture of scalar field perturbation on Kerr black hole in scalar-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory,'' Phys. Rev. D 102, no.12, 124056 (2020).

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Captura de Pantalla 2021-07-09 a la(s) 20.14.26.png


Joel Saavedra and Yerko Vasquez, Effective gravitational equations on brane world with induced gravity described by f(R) term. JCAP 0904:013, 2009.

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